Neuroscience All books
James Teboul, Philippe Damier
NeuroLeadership Challenges to the brain in the face of decision and change
An analysis of the brain with a focus on corporate action aimed at helping executives and managers to make better decisions, to remain calm under pressure, to work better with others and to acquire the necessary flexibility
Lionel Naccache
Netperson From the Microcosm of the Brain to the Macrocosm of Human Societies
From the Microcosm of the Brain to the Macrocosm of Human Societies
Bernard Zalc, Florence Rosier
Myelin Turbocharging The Brain
A better understanding of the nerve impulse and its transmission leads to an improved understanding certain diseases, in particular multiple sclerosis, Guillin-Barre syndrome, Charcot disease (ALS), Niemann-Pick disease.
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart’s Brain
The author uses some of the most iconic incidents from Mozart’s life as a springboard to explore the mechanisms of musical perception.
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart's Brain
In this book, the author uses episodes from Mozarts life which illustrate a specific aspect of musical perception. He explores the mechanisms of musical memory - how is it mentally possible to memorise a fifteen-minute musical composition for nine voices, in two choirs? Is this ability due to a listening technique? To an emotionally-based one? What mental operations are at work in musical memory, in general? Bernard Lechevalier is a neurologist specialising in neuropsychology, and a professor of neurology and medicine in teaching hospitals.
Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia
Mirror Neurons
The discovery of mirror neurons is the most spectacular finding of recent years in the cognitive sciences
Jerry Fodor
The Mind Doesn't Work That Way The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology
In this book, one of the most eminent figures in the field of cognition reviews his most recent views on the subject, and questions the validity of recent attempts to combine the computational theory of mind with psychological nativism and with biological principles borrowed from Darwinian evolutionary theory. Fodor goes on to examine the question that has remained unanswered for the past fifty years: is the mind a computer? This is a fascinating lesson of philosophical and scientific modesty. Jerry Fodor is a professor of philosophy at Rutgers University.
Steven Laureys
Meditation Exercises to Improve Your Brain
A range of meditation exercises carefully guided by the great neurologist Steven Laureys, enabling a practical implementation, whose duration and level can be adapted.
Steven Laureys
Meditation and Brain
A study of the brain of one of the greatest meditators by one of the most brilliant neurologists today.
Gisèle Gelbert
The Mechanics of Reading Skills Learning to read, but how and why?
A therapeutic approach to language disorders has been shown to work.
Alain Ehrenberg
The Mechanics of Passions: The New Contemporary Individualism
The book’s very stimulating thesis: the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain and the neurosciences, which are already playing the role that psychoanalysis played in the twentieth century.
Catherine Morin
Man and his brain Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
An assessment of the relationship between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. A synthesis that aids understanding of the possible complementarity between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, of the specificity of each approach, and the value of sharing knowledge about the brain.
Roger Vigouroux
The Making of Beauty
Where does the gift of artistic genius come from? Why Mozart, why Doestoevsky and Van Gogh? What happens in the brain of a man who devotes his life to writing, painting or music? What is it that pushes us towards the pleasure of listening to a symphony, to the emotion of contemplating a painting, to the joy of reading a poem? Roger Vigouroux is a neurologist.
Lucy Vincent
Make Your Brain Dance
Fatigue, bad mood, stress, eating disorder, sleep problems… : a scientifically-based explanation of the effects of dance to improve your everyday life.
Jean-Didier Vincent, Pierre-Marie Lledo
The Made-to-Order Brain
The neurosciences are making it possible to repair, modify and enhance the brain, heralding a revolution for all of us
Barbara Demeneix
Losing Our Minds How Environmental Pollution Impairs Human Intelligence and Mental Health
The global prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders is accelerating. Numbers of children affected.