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Philippe Sansonetti
Yes, vaccines are necessary to good health. Fighting against short memory: who would want to return to the epidemics of the past? Why are vaccines crucial to health? An articulate and uncompromising argument.
Françoise Salomon
Silent Child The Story of a Schizophrenic
This largely autobiographical book recounts the story of a family brutally shaken their sons violence and mental illnessthough nothing had previously seemed to distinguish him from other teenagers. It is a highly moving chronicle of the world of schizophrenia which remains little known by the general public. The mother of a schizophrenic child, Françoise Salomon is an active member of the French Union nationale des amis et des familles des malades mentaux.
Pascal Salin
Monetary Systems From individual needs to international realities
Currencies, and the reform of monetary systems, are a subject of growing importance on both the economic scene and the electoral one. Mistakes and misinterpretations are frequent – even among policy-makers – making this book’s instructive approach all the more helpful and necessary.
Pascal Salin
True Liberalism A Critical History of Economic and Fiscal Policies
A notable figure of liberalism in France, Pascal Salin is former president of the Société du Mont-Pèlerin, and is the author of many seminal works on liberalism.
Pascal Salin
Tax Tyranny
Some radical recommendations by an eminent economist for an end to the arbitrary and destructive nature of French fiscal policy
François Saint-Pierre
In the Name of the French People Trial by Jury or by Professional Judges?
Who should judge serious crimes?
François Saint-Pierre
The Law against the demons of politics
If in the future even a government resulting from regular elections decided to implement an unworthy policy, contrary to the fundamental rights of people, could the justice system oppose it and defend the essential, the rule of law?
René deSaint-Jean
Tomorrow, You Will Be Immortal
A dystopia full of plot twists that enable us to imagine what might be the outcome and consequences of a world without death.
Christian Saint-Étienne
Europe’s Wild Card The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Etienne argues that the European project was built on a fallacious concept from the start. The premises were false and Europe has become the world’s “soft underbelly”.
Christian Saint-Étienne
France 3.0 React, Renew, Reinvent
If French recovery is to succeed economic reforms must go hand-in-hand with political reforms
Christian Saint-Étienne
France : emergency A strategy for tomorrow
The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Étienne
Rise Again, France State of emergency
What is to be done to make France succeed again?
Christian Saint-Étienne
The iConomic Revolution France Faces the Third Industrial Revolution
Following the success of France: Etat d’urgence, a new polemical work on the state of the French economy, by Christian Saint-Etienne
Mani Saignavongs, Benjamin Baret
Extraordinary Stories (about Brains)
A dozen short stories, which can be read individually, depending on the reader’s inclination, each one illuminating an episode in the life of our brain: how it remembers, how it is afraid, how it sees, how it recognizes, how it speaks…
Jacques Saglier, Joseph Gligorov
Breast Cancer Knowledge Empowers
A new, completely revised and expanded edition of a book that has become a reference work for thousands of patients