Catalog All books
Philippe Cury, Daniel Pauly
Eat Your Jellyfish! Human Impact on Nature
An uncompromising picture of overexploitation, especially of marine resources. Examples of certain actions that have been successfully undertaken show (perhaps) that all has not yet been lost.
Éric Crubézy
At the Origins of Funerary Rituals Seeing, Hiding, Making Sacred
From prehistory to history, descriptions of funeral rituals, known or less so, with first-hand documentation.
Denis Crouzet
Charles V The Anguish of Power
A new biography of Charles V, a highly underestimated character hanging between power and renunciation
Bernard Croisile
Alzheimer Everything You Need to Know about Alzheimer’s
A reference work that offers hope, by a top specialist on Alzheimer’s disease
Louis Crocq, Sophie Huberson, Benoît Vraie
Managing Crises
In the existence of any group, business or nation, a crisis is a serious, uncommon event that suddenly imposes an emergency situation and the management of the vital issues at stake.
Louis Crocq
Psychological Trauma: Sixteen Lessons
An essential book to understand and overcome trauma
Louis Crocq
The Psychic Injuries of Great War
After the Armistice of 11 November 1918, France honoured its dead and celebrated the survivors. The victims of physical injuries, including the ‘broken gargoyles’ who had suffered terrible facial disfigurement, were recognised, given medical treatment and pensions — but what happened to those who had suffered mental trauma?
Aurélie Crétin
Coping With Your Child’s Emotions
The keys to understanding your child’s emotions — so that you can react and cope effectively
Stéphanie Crescent
Everyone’s Intelligent
A clear, accessible book that will enable parents to recognise their child’s individual aptitudes and help her succeed academically
Marc Crépon
Violence Why do we consent to violence?
How philosophy allows us to understand violence and hatred, which are at the core of our world. Marc Crépon’s renown: he appeared frequently in the media over the course of the year 2015, because violence as a theme is at the heart of his philosophical thought. A year after the attack on the Bataclan, how have the major democracies reacted to hatred?
Marc Crépon
Inhuman Conditions Battling the Intolerable
a strong response to the omnipresent violence around us
Marc Crépon
The Desire to Resist A Critical Mind for Our Times
The struggle against all forms of authority, a critical mind, and the ability to think for ourselves, are the best weapons against those who want to convince us of our insignificance.
Marc Crépon
The Writer’s Vocation
From earliest childhood we all know how violent, unfair, even inflexible, language can be — particularly when we have to confront our parents’ or schoolteachers’ anger.
Michel Craplet
Alcohol, the Foremost Addiction Overcoming a Chronic Illness
Alcoholism remains a major subject in public health, much more toxic than drug addiction
Bertrand Cramer, Christiane Robert-Tissot, Sandra Rusconi Serpa
From Baby to Preadolescent A Longitudinal Study
In 1991, 103 mother-and-infant pairs visited Genevas Guidance Infantile. The infants all displayed functional and behavioural disorders. Ten years later, the same mother-child pairs were re-evaluated by Professor Cramers team, who was thus able to make a number of prospective analyses. What became of the symptoms that the infants had first presented? Did any of the symptoms first displayed indicate a predisposition to other disorders? Can the characteristics that helped them to endure be identified? And what can be said of the role played by cognitive development and parental representations, as well as by protective factors? Professor Bertrand Cramer is a child psychiatrist.
Roland Coutanceau
The Injuries of Intimacy
How can evil be understood? How can we apprehend the barbaric potential of some human beings? The need for large-scale information, prevention and education is underlined here