Psychology All books
Chantal Joffrin Le Clerc
A Little Sadness, or Severe Depression? Knowing When to See a Shrink
Eating, memory, moods, excesses of all kinds…: a clear presentation of the truly alarming signs that indicate changes in mental illness. More broadly, a beneficial redefinition of the difference between the normal and the pathological.
Antonio R. Damasio
The Strange Order of Things Life, Feeling, and the Making of Culture
A landmark book, situated between philosophy and neuroscience, in which Damasio deals with the challenging question of the origin of civilization.
Daniel Widlöcher, Antoine Périer, Nicolas Georgieff
Around Daniel Widlöcher: Psychoanalytical Conversations with Antoine Périer and Nicolas Georgieff
These conversations with Daniel Widlöcher are of particular importance: he is one of the last great figures in French psychoanalysis of the post-war generation.
Patrice Huerre, François Robine
What Our Living Spaces Say about Us
Living spaces tell a lot about their inhabitants and their psychic and social evolution. Habitats reveal the evolution of generations and of their ways of life, but they also encourage human relationships to be what they are.
Didier Pleux
The Thetis Complex To enjoy or not to enjoy life; finding the right balance
The Thetis complex, or the increasingly widespread difficulty in finding a good balance between the quite natural desire to enjoy life, and the acceptance that everything cannot be lived according to one’s desires.
Géraldyne Prévot-Gigant
The powers of hope
Hope, among the values of positive psychology, is fundamental. It is an indication of mental well-being. A profound reflection on hope presented in a very pedagogical style.
Christophe André
Come Meditate with Us Meditation with the Experts
Assembled for the first time in a single volume, twenty-one leading figures in the world of meditation, who share their meditation secrets, including their doubts and the difficulties they, themselves, have encountered.
Boris Cyrulnik
Psychotherapy from God
Combining developmental psychology, attachment-based therapy, psycho-sociology, and the neurosciences, a psychotherapy of the sacred that takes into account all forms of belief, without distinction and without judgment, to analyse their foundations, their practices, their inner workings, and also their benefits. An original enlightening study of the major role played by attachment (secure or insecure) in religious feeling.
Marion Robin
Deeply Troubled Teens in Search of Life-giving Support Treating troubled teens in a society paralyzed by its own fears
Written by a young child psychiatrist in touch with the anxiety experienced by teenagers and their parents. Beyond adolescent malaise, the book examines the fears of French society and methods for overcoming feelings of powerlessness.
François-Xavier Poudat, Marthylle Lagadec
Sex Out Of Control Overcoming Addiction
A unique practical guide that dares to tackle sex addiction without taboo. Information on sexual addiction, both in terms of research and treatment. Advice on how to deal with possible relapses.
Alain Braconnier, Daniel Marcelli
The Many Facets of Adolescence
Adolescents seem to be governed by paradoxes: they are simultaneously dependant and autonomous, individualistic yet fascinated by groups, peremptory but prone to doubts.
Liliane Zylbersztejn
Itinerary of an Abused Child Hate, love, and life
A powerful testimony enriched with a reflection on children’s psychological defences against abuse. Seen as a positive psychological process, this approach to hatred — an unusual concept — can light the path of many people who consider themselves affected.
Flavia Mannocci
The powers of curiosity
Curiosity is a fundamental value of positive psychology. It is an indicator of mental well-being. Exercises and case studies train and develop curiosity.
Aldo Naouri
Three Questions On The Family
Aldo Naouri’s complete reference work! The fruit of all his experience related to the fragile and essential parent-child relationship
Christine Moussot
Women, Make Yourselves Heard!
The first 100% vocal coaching book for women that addresses the vocal difficulties they most often encounter: light or self-effacing voices, voices that are too high or that speak too fast.
Aldo Naouri
Hearing the Child
The role of the mother, the place of the father, what it means to educate: with great coherence, Aldo Naouri presents and reevaluates many of his key themes as they come together to illuminate the psychic development of the child. A reflective work on the profound meaning of what it means to raise a child.