Psychotherapy All books

Thierry Vincent
Why are more and more young girls and women becoming anorexic ? Today it is a real social problem. The trend of diets, and the multiplication of magazines about losing weight are no longer enough to explain this phenomenon. Thierry Vincent poses fundamental questions in this book in order to understand how anorexica works. Perhaps the search for new ways of treating anorexia should depart from an examination of these questions. Thierry Vincent, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is the medical director of the university health centre Georges Dumas, in La Tronche, near Grenoble, where high school and university students suffering from eating disorders are treated.

Vincent Trybou, Baptiste Brossard, Marianne Kedia
Self-harm Understanding and Treatment
The first book to offer a complete and pragmatic approach to the treatment of self-harm behavior

Sophie Tran Van, Emmanuel Goldenberg
How My Shrink Saved My Life A Patient and Her Therapist Open Up
A true story, that of encountering, and curing, a young patient at her wits end who staked everything on a final treatment with a therapist.

Yves Simon, Isabelle Simon-Baïssas
How to Help Your Anorexic Child
Is your teenage daughter anxious about her weight? Is she losing weight? Are you worried? Why is her behaviour so destructive? Why does her personality seem changed? Is she anorexic?

Yves Simon, François Nef
How to Overcome Anorexia And Regain the Pleasure of Living
Anorexia is often perceived as a mysterious, incurable illness. Yet despite its sinister reputation, its causes can be explained and the illness can be treated. Overcoming anorexia requires medical and psychological treatment, but it also depends on the attitude of the patients family and friends. This self-help manual offers specific solutions, advice based on the authors clinical practice, and recommendations from experts in the field. François Nef is a medical psychiatrist and Yves Simon is a psychologist. Both specialise in eating disorders

France Schott-Billmann
Therapy through Rhythmic Dance Healing through dance
Dance: an inner movement that can liberate any person who allows him or herself to be carried away by music.

Bernard Roques
The Danger of Drugs
This book is the result of a study on drugs carried out by Bernard Roques at the request of the French Secretary of State for Health, Bernard Kouchner. The author has reviewed and summarised a large body of information from all over the world, so this is a thorough, detailed scientific examination of what is known today of the potential dangers, particularly for the brain, of toxic and psychotropic drugs including alcohol and tobacco which are often associated with the consumption of other drugs. Roques study will doubtless play a major role in public health discussions and decisions, particularly in the fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction. Bernard Roques is a member of the French Académie des Sciences.

Didier Pleux, Camille Cellier
We're both fighting A Diary of Anorexia
How can anorexia be overcome? A young anorexic reveals the diary of her therapy and cure

Clémence Peix-Lavallée
Finding Your Inner Strength Overcoming Stress and Burnout
A work with a practical aim: tools for self-evaluation, explanations, and exercises to do at home, at work, and emergency practices when you’re at the end of your rope.

Stéphany Orain-Pélissolo
Embrace Your Pain, Eliminate Your Suffering Mindfulness Therapy
A method for everyone, regardless of the type of suffering: somatic illnesses, chronic pain, emotional disturbances… An eight-week program of audio exercises, focused on attention and emotions, which enables one to escape the vicious cycle of suffering in which one becomes trapped.

Claude Olievenstein
Drugs, Thirty Years Onwards
Thirty years after the publication of Il n'y a pas de Drogués Heureux, Claude Olievenstein recounts his exceptional career and summarises his current views on a number of social issues that have been his prime concern for many years: drugs, teenagers and the problems of the underprivileged living in housing projects. This is a frank survey of society in state of crisis. Claude Olievenstein is the head doctor at the Centre Médical Marmottan, in Paris, and a world-renowned specialist in the treatment of substance addiction.

Claude Olievenstein, Carlos Parada
Like A Cannibalistic Angel Drugs, Adolescents and Society
Does it make sense to place hallucinogens and hard drugs in the same category and to regard them all as addictive? Should tobacco and alcohol be put on the same plane as heroin, cocaine and crack ? With the assistance of Carlos Parada, his collaborator at the Centre Médical de Marmottan, Claude Olievenstein offers the reader his latest thoughts and ideas on the highly distinctive world of substance abusers, which is characterised by pleasure, withdrawal, the need for warmth and haste and, above all, by instability and chaos. Claude Olievenstein is the head doctor at the Centre Médical de Marmottan, in Paris, and a senior research fellow at the University of Lyon-II. Carlos Parada, a physician specialising in drug addiction, works at the Centre Médical de Marmottan.

Tobie Nathan, Alain Blanchet, Serban Ionescu, Nathalie Zajde
This book is a rigorous presentation of what is now called the Nathan method, that is to say the therapeutic methods (using objects or discussion) which result in a cure through that influence. Using the differences between Western and African techniques as a starting point, he explains how following a psychotherapeutic treatment, or consulting an African healer constitutes an affiliation to a certain group. That is not to say, however, that all therapeutic methods are the same. On the contrary, this book tries to define some kind of criteria of evaluation which is conducive to an informed choice. The two main elements of psychotherapy, the therapy and the trauma, in other words the object and the motivation of the sick person for taking the step of getting treatment, are re-examined in this new context.

Tobie Nathan, Nathalie Zajde
Democratic Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is gripped by an intense paradox. It is being attacked (apparently justifiably) on all sides....

Éric Malbos, Rodolphe Oppenheimer
Psychotherapy and Virtual Reality Anxiety, phobias and addictions
A new form of psychotherapy that treats anxiety disorders, all types of phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, general anxiety disorders, and addictions, notably to tobacco, by confronting reality without the associated disadvantages.

Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz
The End of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is becoming extinct. This book warns us of a process that threatens society.

Yasmine Liénard
In Support of a New Wisdom Third Generation Psychotherapies
Using meditation and mindfulness to adapt to our changing society