
History and Geopolitics All books

A Short History of France
They Taught Me the History of France
Germany and its Memories
Fascination of Nazism (The)
De Gaulle and the Republic
Choice of Gorbachev (The)
When the Académie Française almost Disappeared - From the French Revolution to the Empire
Revolutionary News - The Press In France, 1789-1799
French Territorial Equality - Paris and the rest of the country
Frédéric Joliot-Curie
Jews and French Identity (The)
UFWs - Unidentified Flying Weapons
Colonel Passy - Memoirs of the Chief of the Secret Services of a Liberated France
Soldiers Executed during World War I
Shot at Dawn : The Executed of the Great War - And the Collective Memory (1914-1999)

Results : 65 to 96 from 330 books