
History and Geopolitics All books

Shot at Dawn : The Executed of the Great War - And the Collective Memory (1914-1999)
1914-18 Today - The Great War in Contemporary France
A Short History of Brexit
True Novel of the Free French People (The) - Another way of reading and understanding history
Balzac at Table
A History of Peace - Ideas for the Future
France and the National Interest - Is France’s foreign policy still guided by our own interests?
Resistance and Dissuasion - The French Nuclear Industry from Its Origins to the Present
Dissuasion and Simulation - From the End of French Nuclear Testing to the Simulation Programme
Rites of the Afterlife
Of Arabia and Islam
Itinerary of an Arabist
Art of Giving Birth (The)
Secret History of the Fall of the Berlin Wall (The) - New Edition 2019
West and the rebirth of China
Great Men and Their Mothers - Napoleon, Louis XIV, Francis I, Kennedy and others
Middle Kingdom (The) - The United States and the World Since the End of the Cold War
Believing Rather Than Seeing ? - Travels in Soviet Russia (1919-1939)

Results : 97 to 128 from 330 books