Economics and Finance All books

Nicolas Véron, Matthieu Autret, Alfred Galichon
Crise in Financial Information Accounting and Capitalism
Enron, Andersen, Worldcom: although these companies have stopped dominating the headlines, the shock waves they sent through the business community in 2002 have not yet subsided. The belief that accounting is an exact science has been shattered, while economic relations are upset by the knowledge that financial information may be untrustworthy. Yet the market economy profoundly requires relevant and reliable information about the activity and financial situation of businesses. Taking into account the increasing strength of capital markets and international investors, the authors outline the basic elements that could constitute a new, balanced system of accounting that would accompany the necessary changes in capitalism, particularly in France and the rest of Europe. Nicolas Véron, an engineer and high-ranking civil servant, is the founder of Etudes et Conseil pour l'Information Financière (ECIF). Matthieu Autret is an expert currently working for the European Commission. Alfred Galichon is a doctoral candidate in economics at Harvard University.

Frank Dangeard
Crisis Decision-Making in Businesses 12 Tales of Governance
Based on his extensive experience as a manager and administrator, and illustrated with numerous examples from recent business history...

The Shift Project
Crisis, Climate How to Transform the French Economy
The Shift Project, a think tank created by Jean-Marc Jancovici in 2010, aims to clarify and influence the debate on energy transition.

Laurent Berrebi
Currency and Capital The New Patrimonial Economy
A very ambitious book: it proposes nothing short of a new theoretical economic model, going beyond both classic economics and the Keynesian model.

Nicolas Dufourcq
Deindustrialization in France Looking Back on 30 Years
High-profile contributors (including Laurence Boon, Pascal Lamy and Jean-Claude Trichet) provide captivating perspectives (special mention for Alain Madelin!) in a jargon-free style, especially from the entrepreneurs.

Yves Michaud, Valérie Julien Grésin
Digital Mutation, and the Human Responsibility of Leaders
This book responds to a need being expressed increasingly within corporations to find the tools for reflection and discernment.

Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani
Disorientated Finance
This book analyses the events that shook French and international finance during the last twenty-five years of the twentieth century. In a straightforward style, eschewing all clichés, the author shows why Pierre Bérégovy was instrumental in bringing about the revolution in French finance, how Edouard Balladurs closest followers created a caste which is now in control of upper management, and how they prevented the creation of pension funds in other words, how they prevented the realisation of the Gaullist dream of participation and finally, how and why U.S. banks have managed to take over financial control of large French businesses. Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani is now chairman of the board of directors of GECINA.

Le Cercle des économistes
The Disruptions in the World Acting to confront the disruptions in the world
Edited by Phillippe Aghion, professor at the Collège de France, and Jean-Marie Chevalier, emeritus professor at the University Paris-Dauphine.

Alain Peyrefitte
The Economic "Miracle"
The 20th century has been marked by the growing awareness of the unbearable gap between developed and under-developed countries. And the most outstanding fact of the next century will probably be the worsening in this imbalance. In order to find a solution to the under-development scandal, Alain Peyrefitte attempts to understand the miracle of development. He examines the successive miracles which have allowed a part of humanity to pull through the turns of dictatorship or anarchism, violence and destitution.

Jacques Fournier
The Economics of Needs
France’s public service scrutinised by a high-ranking civil servant

Hippolyte D'Albis, Françoise Benhamou
Economists respond to populists
In the arena where populists are rampant, the economic question is at the heart of the denunciation of the elites and 'their' policy...

Jean-Pierre Hansen, Jacques Percebois
Electricity in Transition What Europe and the markets couldn’t tell you
The history of electricity as you’ve never heard it before. A genuine mini-guide to economic issues through the example of electricity: price formation, transmission costs, monopolies.

Michel Aglietta, Guo Bai, Camille Macaire
The End of the Hegemony of the Dollar
Fascinating developments on the most innovative elements of Chinese finance and its digital economy.

Henri Guaino
The End of the West?
A powerful, inspired text that calls upon the greatest voices in literature, philosophy, and history, and which is, through its writing, an illustration of the ideas it is defending.

Jacques deLarosière
Ending the Financial Illusion In Defense of Real Growth
The belief that creating money is the same thing as creating resources is the worst possible illusion, as demonstrated in this lucid, succinct and incisive essay.

Christian Stoffaës
Ends of Worlds
An economic pulse sustains life in the modern world. C. Stoffaës investigates the highs of economic boom and the lows of paralyzing depression. He presents an historical survey of our dominant technological and mental structures from Keynes to Schumpeter, from the steam engine to the microchip, from the American golden age to the new Pacific prosperity.

Jean-Marie Chevalier, Patrice Geoffron
Energy Transitions Making the Right Choices
French leaders need to make the right energy choices — if they don’t the current economic crisis will only become worse

Yves Michaud
Equality and Inequalities Volume 10
This volume continues and prolongs the earlier, highly successful series "LUniversité de tous les savoirs" (365 lectures, published in six volumes by Editions Odile Jacob). Renowned specialists in their fields examine the inequalities that exist between countries as well as among individuals: unequal access to education, the technological gap, unequal treatment before the law, economic inequalities, and disparities concerning health and hygiene.

Philippe Jurgensen
The Euro For All
How much is one Euro worth? How should an invoice for 327.53 French francs be converted? How should amounts be rounded off and new prices established? When will taxes and the rent have to be paid in the new European currency?How can managers prepare their companies so that the transition will be made smoothly? What is the best way of protecting one's savings? How will the changeover to the new monetary system affect employment and economic growth? This book will provide readers with the necessary information to enable them to calmly face the upheavals of monetary union. Philippe Jurgensen is a senior official of the French Treasury

Jacques Lesourne
Europe at Its Twilight? A prospective Essay
What are the strategies that can halt Europe’s decline?

Christian Saint-Étienne
Europe’s Wild Card The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Etienne argues that the European project was built on a fallacious concept from the start. The premises were false and Europe has become the world’s “soft underbelly”.

Barry Eichengreen
Exorbitant Privilege The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System
As the dollar keeps falling, and in the run-up to the G20 summit, what are the options to reform the international monetary system? Barry Eichengreen urges the creation of a multipolar system

Luc Ferry
Facing the Crisis Building Blocks for a Politics of Civilisation
To overcome the crisis we will have to do more than salvage what we can by further expenditures, no matter how necessary or urgent these may seem.

Georges Ugeux
Finance Under the Magnifying Glass Twelve Reforms to Restore Trust
Most analyses of the crisis and its aftermath are the work of theoreticians and ideologues