Economics and Finance All books
Patrick Artus
Globalization and Finance
Patrick Artus is one of the most brilliant analysts of today’s economy and finance. All his books are best-sellers.
Philippe Askenazy
Sharing wealth
At a time when democracies are threatened by populism and the risk of authoritarian drift, rehabilitating those who drive growth through their efforts is simply an imperative for survival.
Niall Ferguson
The Square and the Tower Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power
Most history is about the people at the top of the towers of power. But what if the real action is in the social networks down below, in the town squares ? Niall Ferguson brilliantly recasts past and present as an unending contest between hierarchies and networks.
Henri Guaino
The End of the West?
A powerful, inspired text that calls upon the greatest voices in literature, philosophy, and history, and which is, through its writing, an illustration of the ideas it is defending.
Georges Ugeux
The Missteps of Finance
Using plain language, a serious warning about the threats looming over the financial sphere. Georges Ugeux is a colorful figure in finance, and a free thinker.
Alain Dupas, Jean-Christophe Messina, Cyril de Sousa Cardoso
Innovating Like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs
Large companies are no longer what they once were: rockets, electric cars, technological breakthroughs, dematerialized commerce and services are all on the rise.
Sophie Boisseau du Rocher, Emmanuel Dubois de Prisque
China Is/and the World A Look at Sino-globalization
By stressing the gap between today’s international system and what it would be in the event of Chinese hegemony, we will understand better what is at play, and what is lost, with the “de-Westernization” of the world.
Yves Michaud, Valérie Julien Grésin
Digital Mutation, and the Human Responsibility of Leaders
This book responds to a need being expressed increasingly within corporations to find the tools for reflection and discernment.
Michel Godet, Patrick Miliotis
Good News Territories Prize-Winning 2018
The 2018 Grand Prize honoured thirteen winners, whose beautiful, powerful and reproducible stories are told here.
Jacques deLarosière
Ten Preconceived Notions That Are Leading Us to Economic and Financial Disaster
Jacques de Larosière is a prominent actor of the world financial scene. He is currently an advisor to the President of BNP Paribas.
Kevin O'Rourke
A Short History of Brexit
This book is the story of a divorce, the one between the United Kingdom and Europe with the referendum of 23 June 2016.
Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette, Rémy Lecat
The True Impacts of Growth Toward an Awakening?
A condensed look at what you should know to understand what is at stake in the current debate on growth
Pascal Lamy, Nicole Gnesotto
where is the world going? Trump with Us
Fascinating and accessible analyses to better understand today’s world and its upheavals...
Claude Meyer
West and the rebirth of China
It is the first time in history that a country/continent, with such a large population, is in a position to impose its supremacy on the rest of the planet. The stakes are enormous!
Marc Abélès
Is Luxury Worth Considering? An anthropology of luxury
The originality of Marc Abélès, an anthropologist who has always carried out his research against the grain, off the beaten path. A study of luxury that does not lean on classic sociological themes from the time of Bourdieu, those of distinction and domination.
Philippe Moreau Desfarges
The Temptation to Withdraw: Globalization, Deglobalization
Accounts of globalization abound. This original synthesis reveals its dark side and provides a different perspective, that of a rejection of globalization. Philippe Moreau-Defarges is a born popularizer, and works expertly with his subject.
Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee
Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future
How does the digital revolution enable a new integration between the human mind and machines?
Alain Cotta
Global Hypercapitalism
Erudite and original, this book presents a true portrait of the “Dynamics of hypercapitalism,” tracing its lines of strength. It is also a denunciation of the elites and of their oligarchical power, exercised on the middle classes.
Jean Jouzel, Pierre Larrouturou
To avoid climate and financial chaos
America First! Donald Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Europa First! We want Europe to be the first to prove “grandeur nature,” to show that not only is safeguarding the climate not an obstacle to social well-being, but that the struggle against climate deregulation is a powerful means to fight against unemployment and insecurity.
François Lévêque
Imperfect Competition
A very wide diversity of examples taken from all sectors. Very educational, well written, and easy to understand, this book is also an economics lesson for Dummies.
Jacques Lesourne
A Pragmatic Approach to the Way of the Future How can we innovate and bring about change in society?
The originality of the author’s method, i.e. drawing the outlines of the world of tomorrow, and based on this futurist perspective, defining the changes that need to be made.
Philippe Durance, Régine Monti
The Long Term as a Horizon How do companies take the future into account and anticipate what lies ahead?
Interviews with senior executives of major companies: Danone, Michelin, Saint-Gobain, SPIE, Veolia, Caisse des Dépôts, Malakoff Médéric etc. Long-term issues are essential to corporate strategy and management.
Jean-Pierre Hansen, Jacques Percebois
Electricity in Transition What Europe and the markets couldn’t tell you
The history of electricity as you’ve never heard it before. A genuine mini-guide to economic issues through the example of electricity: price formation, transmission costs, monopolies.
Edmund Phelps
Mass Prosperity
A profound reflection, at the meeting-point of economics and psychology, on the forces of innovation and economic well-being and the motivations of both. A view of innovation that confronts many accepted ideas — the Schumpeterian view of the entrepreneur, the development of science as a source of innovation, and so on — and which needs to be debated.
Pascal Picq
Who will take power? Great apes, Politicians or Robots
Like Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind… with a dash of humour and a knowledge of prehistory too! Transhumanism, which is at the core of this book, is the subject of the moment.
Michel Godet, Marc Mousli
The Joy of Work Working brings us alive
A message for our political and economic leaders: work plays a central role in our societies, and seniors constitute a formidable pool of skills that they must learn how to use
David Spector
History of the Market Concept in France
An original point of view which runs counter to received ideas: the concept of the market is in a blind spot of leftist thinking, or even that of the French intellectual tradition. This book should be part of the debate as it provides historical insight on a crucial point of current disunity within the left and on its future.
Didier Lombard
New Economy, New Industry Industry: from low cost to high tech
An overview of French industry by the former head of France Telecom. Clear and applicable solutions to reverse direction: produce better quality, and stay competitive.
Pascal Lamy, Jean-Michel Baer, Nicole Gnesotto
where is the world going? Two views of the world and of globalization
Fascinating and accessible analyses to better understand today’s world and its upheavals...
David Evans, Richard Schmalensee
The New Middlemen How Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Uber and the rest are changing the economy
“Stimulating and rigorous, everyone — students, entrepreneurs and all those who just want to understand how our economy is evolving — should read this book.” Jean Tirole. The book masterfully articulates a strategic analysis of economic theory, making it far easier to grasp.
Jacques Barthélémy, Gilbert Cette
Working in the 21st Century The Uberization of the Economy
New labour laws for a new economy. Inevitable, but difficult to put into place, for the past year, labour-law reform has been at the heart of many key economic and political debates. Supported and co-published by two major think-tanks, Terra Nova and L’Institut de l’entreprise, this book will be heavily promoted.
Fabrice Houzé
The Invoice for Fixed Ideas
This book is the new Freakonomics. In its style as well as in its inconvenient proposals (removal of patents, replacement of the right to vote by drawing lots, taxation of meat, etc.) Michel Godet wrote the preface and lends his support for the promotion of the book.