Psychology All books
Élie Hantouche, Nathalie Faucheux
Lea's Diary OCDs and Bipolar Disorders
How to overcome one’s mental disorders by watching films about them.
Nazir Hamad, Charles Melman
Happy Adoptions
An examination of the symbolic issues of adoption allows us to understand the singularity of the process.
Stéphanie Hahusseau
How to Stop Yourself Spoiling Your Life
Our lives are governed by patterns and beliefs which we have inherited from childhood and which, without our knowledge, make us repeat the same mistakes and relive the same distress. Stéphanie Hahusseau breaks down such patterns in this concise self-help book, which aims to help us change our lives. Illustrated with numerous case studies, the advice offered here is always concrete and specific. It should help us embark on a journey of self-discovery and to put an end to what makes us suffer. Stéphanie Hahusseau is a psychiatrist practising in Toulouse.
Stéphanie Hahusseau
A real man Understanding the Opposite Sex
What makes men and women behave as they do? Finally, the keys to understanding each other
Stéphanie Hahusseau
How Not to Endure Any Longer Deconditioning Oneself from One’s Past
A book for a general audience and for health-care professionals that explains how behavioral disorders, can be hiding repressed issues of abuse
Stéphanie Hahusseau
Let Your Emotions Flow Without Guilt or Anxiety
33 crucial themes or key words – the acceptance of anger, attachment, self-confidence, humour, emotional phobia, feelings, loneliness, etc. to understand how emotions influence our health.
Olivia Hagimont
The Family Dinner or How to Survive Your Loving, Neurotic Family
Family dinners are the perfect opportunity to show a rogue’s gallery of characters with strong personalities, who will, over the course of a meal, offend and wound each other, but come to love each other once again. Family get-togethers, where neuroses take centre stage. Olivia Hagimont’s sense of humour works as a magnifying glass, allowing us to see our own idiosyncrasies in order to be able to put things that hurt us into better perspective, and to start letting go of past events.
Olivia Hagimont
Nothing Is Going My Way or How Panic Attacks Descend on Me, Out of the Blue
A comic book, in the popular “girly” style, which gives an alternative slant to psychiatric disorders and CBT.
Olivia Hagimont
Chubby Or How I Survived the Skinny Tyranny
A light-hearted take on being overweight in the form of a ‘psychological’ comic book, with an explanatory text by psychiatrist Christophe André
Patrick Guyomard
The Tendency for Polymorphe Perverse Behaviour
It is the child that Freud predominantly identifies as polymorphe perverse in his Three Essays on Sexual Theory, but he recognised that it is in fact a universally human and original trait. Certainly, clinical experience suggests that this characteristic is not solely reserved for children. It is evident in each psychoanalytical treatment as common to all mankind. It is also found in science and in politics. If the tendency for polymorphe perverse behaviour is a universally human trait, everyone who has human thought patterns is affected. It is for this reason that this book gathers together reflections from psychoanalysts, clinicians specialising in both adults and children, scientists, anthropologists, and historians in order to revaluate the perversion and give a new perspective on the controversies it can trigger. Organised by the Freudian Psychoanalyst Society.
Antoine Guédeney
A Baby Doesn’t Wait Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Distress in the Very Young Child
The adventure of The Alarm Distress Baby Scale, which has become a formidable tool for prevention in perinatal and early childhood care.
Stanley Greenspan, Jacqueline Salmon
The Challenging Child (Coll. Opus) Understanding, Raising, and Enjoying the Five
There always comes a time when parents think that their child has become impossible. Hyper-sensitivity, withdrawal, systematic indiscipline, concentration difficulties, aggressiveness : through five cases of difficult children, Stanley Greenspan explains how to help by emphasising the sensory and motional differences of each of child. Importantly this book allows parents to identify for themselves the personality of their child, in order to find in the childs weaknesses the ingredients for future success. Stanley Greenspan is a doctor of medicine, and a teacher of psychiatry, behavioural psychology et paediatrics at the George Washington Faculty of Medicine in the United States. Jacqueline Salmon is a journalist at the Washington Post.
André Green
The Psychic Causality Between Nature and Culture
Without reprieve, we hear of the agony of psychoanalysis. On one hand, neuroscience and the cognitive sciences reduce the psyche to a sum of 'natural' phenomenon. On the other hand, the social sciences see it as an ensemble of 'cultural' process. In this point-by-point discussion of the issues in this debate, and drawing upon his extensive clinical experience as his main resource, André Green shows that the human psyche is the result of a double determinism, both natural and cultural. It emerges as an original and autonomous creation, and that is exactly what forms the specificity of psychoanalysis. Andre Green is a psychoanalyst and the President of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris.
André Green
Illusions and Disillusions of Psychoanalysis
A solid introduction to psychoanalysis in general
André Green
The Chain of Eros
Sexuality is no longer what it was when Freud elaborated his theory of its psychic functioning. His successors have either given it less importance or a completely different status. André Green has undertaken in this book a real re-founding. Sexuality, seen from a psychoanalistic point of view, is what he calls "an erotic chain", organized according to different steps (impulse, desire, fantasies, erotic language, etc.). For him, the importance it is not so much to consider each of these steps separately but to specify at which link of the chain the analyst himself stands. André Green, is a psychoanalyst and a psychiatrist.
Pierluigi Graziani, Daniela Eraldi-Gackiere
How to Stop Abusing Alcohol
Not only does alcohol abuse have serious consequences for physical and psychic health, it is also destructive of personal and social relationships. But putting an end to this form of drug abuse is particularly complex, because alcohol creates a dependence that is both physical and psychological, and because it is, in many cultures, closely linked to sociability. In trying to help alcohol abusers who wish to stop drinking, one is often confronted with resistance and denial. The authors, specialists in cognitive and behavioural therapies, describe methods that have been successfully used for many years in the treatment of alcohol abuse in a hospital setting. Pierluigi Graziani is a psychologist and lecturer on clinical psychology and psychopathologies at the University of Aix-Marseille-Ain, in Aix-en-Provence. Daniela Eraldi-Gackière is a psychologist.
Bernard Granger, Daria Karaklic
Borderline Personality Disorder
If you suffer from borderline personality disorder take heart — it is not irreversible!