Plans, Diet All books

Jean-Marie Bourre
The Good Fats
Are fats the demons of modern times? Are they the bane of too rich diets? Are they the poison of opulent societies? Without fats, which are an absolute necessity for our brain and our health, life would be impossible. Fats are also the vectors of culture, through the many joys of cooking.

Jacques Fricker
Cookery for Slimmers For Your Figure and Your Health
To eat well, is first to put some equilibrium in our daily diet. It is also to accomplish all kinds of small gestures which protect our line and good shape without avoiding a simple, savoury cuisine. Jacques Fricker gives here a recipe book which will put neither our health nor our weight in any danger.

Serge Renaud
A Healthy Diet
It is possible to eat in a manner that reconciles the demands of staying slim, good health, and general well being - although the steady stream of unhealthy and sometimes dangerous slimming diets would tend to make us believe otherwise. The new health diet proposed here draws much from traditional Cretan eating habits - which seem to be responsible for the populations tenaciously long life. Crete has the highest life-expectancy rate, and its people have the lowest incidence in the western world of cardiovascular diseases, that scourge of the industrialised nations. Serge Renaud is the scientist who discovered that wine can play a role in protecting against cardiovascular diseases - a finding that has become known as the French paradox. After spending much of his career in the United States, he directed a research unit of INSERM (France) for twenty years.

Jacques Fricker
The New Guide to Successful Slimming
How is it possible to lose weight safely ? How can you be sure you wont regain it ? How can being slim and healthy be reconciled with the pleasure of food ? What about the numerous methods which claim to help you lose weight : diets, proteins, sport, medications, psychotherapies, courses of treatments, surgery ? As a result of his own experience, and the most recent scientific discoveries, Jacques Fricker gives you the means to successfully slim.

Jacques Fricker
Cookery for Slimmers
Eating well is first of all a case of balancing your daily intake of food. It is also enjoying every day simple yet tasty cooking, and taking small steps to safeguard your figure and your well-being. It is following a diet which is specially adapted to help you to achieve your ideal weight. Finally, it is finding recipes for special occasions which dont threaten your weight or your health. The recipes found in this book have been formulated by Patrick Clavé, a chef at the Centre diététique de Brides-les-Bains, with the collaboration de Valérie Gehin, Isabelle Revol and Marie-José Carduner, who are all nutritionists.

Lucy-Anna Kukstas
Shape and Show The Powers and Limitations of Diets and Exercise
Were we really meant to spend our lives depriving ourselves of what we want to eat while forcing ourselves to do painful physical exercises ? In this lively, humorous book, mixing common-sense with the latest findings in medical research, Lucy-Anna Kukstas exposes the folly of the ideology of suffering and deprivation. She urges the reader to follow a new life-style for the third millennium based on a new golden rule - that of pleasure.

Serge Renaud
A Healthy Diet
It is possible to eat in a manner that reconciles the demands of staying slim, good health, and general well being - although the steady stream of unhealthy and sometimes dangerous slimming diets would tend to make us believe otherwise. The new health diet proposed here draws much from traditional Cretan eating habits - which seem to be responsible for the populations tenaciously long life. Crete has the highest life-expectancy rate, and its people have the lowest incidence in the western world of cardiovascular diseases, that scourge of the industrialised nations. Serge Renaud is the scientist who discovered that wine can play a role in protecting against cardiovascular diseases - a finding that has become known as the French paradox. After spending much of his career in the United States, he directed a research unit of INSERM (France) for twenty years.

Philippe Conticini, Jacques Fricker
Eat Desserts Freely Pleasure Without Weight Gain
Highly unusual, delicious desserts, created by one of the most creative pastrycooks at work today. Easy-to-make desserts that open the way to creative improvisation. Light recipes: believe it or not, it is possible to eat marvellous desserts made with real sugar and butter without gaining weight. Jacques Fricker explains how you can stay in shape and eat your favourite desserts without losing your figure or your health. Philippe Conticini works for the Petrossian restaurants in Paris and New York. Jacques Fricker is a nutritionist at the Hôpital Bichat, in Paris.

Dominique Lanzmann-Petithory
Nutrition for a Long Life
A long life is built gradually from early childhood. But regardless of ones age, it is never too late. Longevity is not only a question of genes: most of us are capable of living in good health for a long time. But how? The answer, according to Dominique Lanzmann-Petithory, is by eating healthily and following some basic health rules. This practical manual will allow each reader to find and maintain his or her maximum energy and, above all, to learn the arts of eating and living. Dominique Lanzmann-Petithory is a physician.