Personal Development All books

Bruno Humbeeck
A Heartache Can Help You Grow Up
Understanding the pain caused by an unhappy love affair can help you pick up the pieces — and start loving again

Anne-Lise Schwing
A Method for Avoiding Burnout
How not to become overwhelmed at work. Tests, questionnaires, work on thoughts to know how to assert oneself and get back on top of things. A lively and dynamic tone.

Willy Pasini
The Arms of Seduction
A lesson in seduction for those who wish to seduce without being seduced

Willy Pasini
The Arms of Seduction
A lesson in seduction for those who wish to seduce without being seduced

Nicolas Favez
The Art of Being Co-Parents How can parents best handle co-parenting?
From parenting to co-parenting: the new challenge that parents today must face and for which they must be prepared.

Willy Pasini
Be Self-Confident
Feeling self-confident means being capable of developing projects for the future and knowing how to push events towards success for ones self. But it also means being capable of living at peace with ones self. In this book, Willy Pasini explains exactly how self-confidence develops. What is the influence of the way we perceive our own bodies? What can be done instead to enhance our feelings of inner security? This is an essential work which should help readers calmly set out on the road to happiness. Willy Pasini is a psychotherapist.

Temple Grandin
Calling All Minds How To Think and Create Like an Inventor
From world-renowned autism spokesperson, scientist, and inventor Temple Grandin -- a book of personal stories, inventions, and facts that will blow young inventors' minds and make them soar.

Gaëtan Cousin, Konstantin Büchler
Calm Down Or, How to Fight Against Inner Agitation
Aimed at an educated general audience, a book that avoids both simplism and hermetical discourse, with a seriously documented foundation that is pleasantly accessible.

Olivia Hagimont
Chubby Or How I Survived the Skinny Tyranny
A light-hearted take on being overweight in the form of a ‘psychological’ comic book, with an explanatory text by psychiatrist Christophe André

Christophe André
Come Meditate with Us Meditation with the Experts
Assembled for the first time in a single volume, twenty-one leading figures in the world of meditation, who share their meditation secrets, including their doubts and the difficulties they, themselves, have encountered.

Stéphanie Bertholon
Coping With a Stressful World
How to adopt a sufficiently detached attitude to resist the stress of constant change

Willy Pasini, Donata Francescato
The Courage to Change
What would happen if, instead of stifling our dreams, we took the desire to change seriously? What would happen if we really gave ourselves the means with which to transform our lives and ourselves? Willy Pasini, a psychotherapist, and Donata Francescato, a social psychologist, have brought together their respective skills in order to show us how to succeed in making both our inner and outer transformations. Willy Pasini, a psychotherapist, teaches psychiatry and psychology at the University of Geneva. Donata Francescato is a psychologist and teaches at La Sapienza University, in Rome.

Didier Pleux
Developing Your Teen’s Concentration
Concrete advice to help adolescents concentrate. A book that addresses adolescents directly.

Christophe André
Don’t forget to be happy! The ABC of Positive Psychology
The keys to harmony with oneself

Pascal de Sutter, Valérie Doyen
Erection A Sexo-Informative Novel
From a study carried out in France in 2002 on men aged 18 – 70, a quarter of them suffered from an erectile problem, which afflicts close to half of men above the age of 45. Erectile dysfunction: a widespread problem which is difficult to talk about

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Everything is there, right there
Mindfulness Meditation for Children and Adolescents