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Jacques Lévy
The Ethical Turning Point and the World Society
A fascinating and ambitious book, which gives back meaning to disparate and disturbing realities: the rise in protectionisms and nationalisms, the exacerbation of radicalisms by social networks, ecological and health challenges, etc…
Jacques Lévy, Jean-Nicolas Fauchille, Ana Póvoas
A Theory of Spatial Justice The Geography of the Just and the Unjust
An exciting and very timely work that challenges many received ideas, notably on the “territorial breakdown” denounced by so-called experts.
Thierry Lévy
In Praise of Judicial Barbarity
In March 2004, France instituted a special legal procedure, to be applied in infractions judged as serious, as part of an effort to give police more powers to combat new types of crime. If money-laundering and giving assistance to illegal immigrants may be regarded as relatively recent infractions, stealing, murder, procuring and counterfeiting are all ancient violations. The new procedure extends the powers of police to hold prisoners in custody; it will also allow some offenders who plead guilty and accept the public prosecutor's sentence to avoid a public trial. Thierry Lévy, a renowned criminal lawyer, shows that the new law only confirms a tendency that has been at work for a long time, since many trials are no more than empty ceremonies sanctioning decisions that have already been reached. The author examines the way Justice in France today functions and puts some current dysfunctions of the legal system in their historical perspective. He argues that Justice cannot be served if the rights of the defence are ignored. Thierry Lévy is a lawyer and a member of the Paris Bar. He is the author of Justice sans Dieu and the co-author, with Jean-Denis Bredin, of Convaincre.
Pierre Lévy
What is cyberculture? What are the social and cultural implications behind this technical phenomenon? Could it be held responsible for altering our relationship to knowledge? These are some of the questions addressed in Cyberculture, which covers such aspects of new technology as numerisation, navigation, memory, programming, software, virtual reality, multimedia, interactivity, and electronic mail. Written for the non-power user, this is a clear, complete and highly accessible presentation of new technologies, their uses and future stakes. Pierre Lévy is a philosopher who teaches at the University of Paris-VIII, in the hypermedia department.
Jean-Paul Lévy
The Making of Man
Jean-Paul Lévy's book is marked by a resolutely materialistic reflexion, characteristic of biologists : the only thing that distinguishes man from all other living things is the capacity to reason. From this prospective, he explains how a human body is constructed, how and why it produces thoughts and why, one day, it finally ceases to function and dies. His thought process leads to a materialistic solution of the problem of the union of the body and soul. Jean-Paul Lévy is a hematologist and immunologist. He heads France's National Agency for AIDS Research
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Didier Éribon
From Far and Wide
A famous anthropologist, known as one of the greatest minds of our time, C. Lévi-Strauss is a discreet man whose autobiographical writings are few. His talks with D. Eribon not only present the reader with the keys to his works, but also convey a new perspective of our time, a 20th century of discovery and catastrophy. Through intellectual anecdotes, tales of trips and meetings, secret tastes and dislikes, we discover at the same time a great scholar, a privileged witness, and a passionate, witty man.
Rita Levi Montalcini
Praise of Imperfection New Edition
Rita Levi Montalcini's life has been entirely dedicated to scientific research. She grew up in a tightly knit Jewish family and studied medicine in Turin. Forced into inactivity by the racist laws of Fascist Italy, she set up a makeshift laboratory in her bedroom and began studying the development of the nervous system. Her research, which she completed in the United States after the war, led to the discovery of the nerve growth factor whose role is to stimulate the growth of nerve fibres. Her autobiography, written with warmth and simplicity, traces the progress of her life, including being awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Rita Levi Montalcini
Against All the Odds
What do Primo Levi, the author of one of the most powerful accounts of life in a Nazi death camp, and Max Delbrück, one of the founding fathers of molecular biology, have in common? The answer is that they--as well as the others described in this book--were able to face the trials and tribulations of their lives with exceptional courage, and without losing their sense of humanity. Through a series of portraits, drawn with great warmth and restraint, Rita Levi Montalcini recounts the course of several exemplary lives. Rita Levi Montalcini taught neurobiology at Washington University for thirty years.
Rita Levi Montalcini
Your Future A Nobel Prize which speaks to young people
When a great scientist makes a point of getting through to young people and those around them.... When a Nobel prize brings within everyones reach all the key principles of biology.... When an exceptional woman passes down to new generations the values on which she has based her life.... Science with a conscience ! Rita Levi Montalcini recieved the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Born in Turin, but forced from Italy by the Fascism, she has for many years taught in the United States.
François Lévêque
Hyperpowerful Corporations Giants and Titans, the End of the Global Model
Why governments want to regain the upper hand over globalization
François Lévêque
Imperfect Competition
A very wide diversity of examples taken from all sectors. Very educational, well written, and easy to understand, this book is also an economics lesson for Dummies.
Lisa Letessier
Dealing With Breakups
This complete, practical book shows how to move on after a relationship breaks up
Lisa Letessier
Lies Between a Couple
An analysis of the psychological mechanisms of lying in a couple seen from two points of view: those that animate the one who lies, and those that cause the one to whom one lies to suffer.
Marion Leboyer, Lisa Letessier, Anne deDanne
Post-Covid, Reinventing Our Mental Health
In mental health, as in so many other areas, the Covid-19 pandemic calls for self-reinvention.
Antoine Lesur
Psychic Distress A New Approach to Care
Should psychic distress be considered a singular emotion? A documented and concrete analysis showing its connections with problems of attachment, guilt, depression, and fear.
Jacques Lesourne
Rethinking the 21st Century Through Its Crises
Global warming, melting ice caps, the Middle East conflict, Chinese economic development, extreme poverty in Darfur, decreasing biodiversity: hardly a day goes by when these subjects are not in the news...
Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and Innovation in France FutuRIS 2011
With a view to the 2011 French presidential elections, here are a series of proposals that offer the middle classes the future perspectives they deserve
Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and Innovation in France FutuRIS 2014-2015
The latest on research and innovation in France, described in the ninth edition of FutuRIS’s yearbook
Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and Innovation in France FutuRIS 2009
The present work is proposed by FutuRIS (Future, Research, Innovation, Society), a study programme on research and innovation developed within ANRT.
Jacques Lesourne
Reflecting on the Future
Instead of describing a ready-made methodology, the author, an eminent prospectivist, shows us how to picture the future.
Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and innovation in France 2016 Futuris 2016
The tenth annual instalment in a series dedicated to research and innovation.