Aldo Naouri
Né à Benghazi, en Libye, le 22 décembre 1937 dans la communauté juive libyenne. Après avoir été expulsé de Libye en 1942, Aldo Naouri s'installe en Algérie, puis en 1956 dans la ville de Besançon et enfin à Paris pour suivre des études de médecine[1]. Sa famille le rejoint en 1962. Il termine ses études de médecine en 1966. Aldo Naouri est un pédiatre renommé et spécialiste des relations intrafamiliales français.
Bibliography (30)

Aldo Naouri
Bits of Existence
Short, narrative texts in which Aldo Naouri reflects on his formative life experiences that constructed the man he became and the pediatrician that has taken care of children his entire life.

Aldo Naouri
Three Questions On The Family
Aldo Naouri’s complete reference work! The fruit of all his experience related to the fragile and essential parent-child relationship

Aldo Naouri
Hearing the Child
The role of the mother, the place of the father, what it means to educate: with great coherence, Aldo Naouri presents and reevaluates many of his key themes as they come together to illuminate the psychic development of the child. A reflective work on the profound meaning of what it means to raise a child.

Aldo Naouri
Living Life to the Fullest Interviews with Emilie Lanez
The intellectual trajectory of an inspiring writer whose educational principles have won over millions of readers

Aldo Naouri
Mothers-in-Law Fathers-in-Law, Daughters-in-Law and Sons-in-Law
Why is it so hard to get on with your in-laws? A fascinating enquiry into the heart of family life

Aldo Naouri
Fathers and Mothers
The author's thesis is that in Western societies the father has been ejected from his central position in the family structure, while the mother's role has been heightened, and the child placed at the top of the family pyramid - a situation that is not good for the child.

Aldo Naouri
Girls and their Mothers
According to the author, a powerful current of violence flows between daughters and their mothers.

Aldo Naouri
The Couple and the Child
With a first birth, a woman naturally becomes a mother, and, in principle, a man becomes a father...