Psychology All books

Anne de Kervasdoué
New Questions from Women Responses to 1001 questions that women ask about their health and their well-being, at every age in life
All the experience and knowledge of a gynecologist who has been listening to women for 40 years.

Hélène Romano
Bad Mothers Motherhood for Better or Worse
Confronting the disturbing issue of abuse by mothers can help us to better comprehend and heal the wounds associated with the mother-child relationship

Patrice Huerre, Philippe Petitfrère
Questions of Authority At School, at Home, in Business
An increasing demand to review relationships of authority has been emerging over the past fifty years.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, Jean-Christophe Seznec
Growing, Living, Becoming
A book that provides answers to the big question: how to progress in life? How to lead a life that is suited to oneself?

Didier Pleux
How to Escape the Dictatorship of a Reptilian Brain
As victims of the pleasure principle and of immediate gratification, how can we overcome our reptilian brain? By relearning how to wait and to think.

Roger Zumbrunnen, Éric Malbos
Stop Panicking at the Wheel!
A new edition enhanced with an entire chapter devoted to therapy through virtual reality: the use of 3D environments is particularly well-adapted to the treatment of the fear of driving.

Claude Lelièvre
School Today in the Light of History
A light-hearted and fascinating review of all that we thought we knew about School

François Lelord, Christophe André
The New Difficult Personalities How to understand them, accept them, manage them
A precious help to help you live in a peaceful way with those with whom you are brought to work.

Patrick Clervoy
Truths or Lie? Why do we believe lies?
This book, which explores the mechanism of a lie, reads like a collection of stories.

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Dare to Live, Dare to Die Taking hold of death in order to live fully
The delicate issue of choosing to die is raised, explained, and critiqued. A generous book with lively prose, including many anecdotal stories.

Boris Cyrulnik
In the Time of Souls and Seasons Psychology and Ecology
From the body to language, including the climate, culture, and, of course, the family, an astute description of the way in which our different environments (“ecology” in the broadest sense of the term) determine, from childhood, the person we are to become.

Fanny Nusbaum
The Secret of High Performers
Psychology and neuroscience as scientific support for a new understanding of high performance, by an author who is both a clinician and a researcher.

Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
The Parent Burnout Avoiding it and getting away with it
Parental burn-out, a societal phenomenon that we are just beginning to talk about.

Éric Malbos, Rodolphe Oppenheimer
Psychotherapy and Virtual Reality Anxiety, phobias and addictions
A new form of psychotherapy that treats anxiety disorders, all types of phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, general anxiety disorders, and addictions, notably to tobacco, by confronting reality without the associated disadvantages.

Monique Bydlowski
Motherhood, the Cradle of Humanity
Gathered together in one book, all the great themes that have been central to Monique Bydlowski’s work for more than fifty years, from life debt to the psychic openness so characteristic of pregnancy.

Nicolas Franck
Stress and Mental Health The Odyssey of the 2020 Lockdown
Scientific and historical data to better understand the nature of confinement, this extreme experience imposed on a population.

Michèle Temam
Memorizing without Memorization
A practical guide intended for students, combining a method, its direct application, and a scientific explanation for that method.

Michel Delage
The Time to Exist
Characteristics of temporal experience, the way in which it intervenes in the construction of identity, the modifications it undergoes in the course of a life, when one goes from childhood to adolescence, then to an adult age and old age.

Christine Mirabel-Sarron
Rebuilding Oneself After a Life-Altering Incident
A very supportive voice, with enough optimism to encourage a beneficial change, and simple advice to instill confidence and to encourage practice.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
A Spring at Home
55 daily meditation texts for inspiration, grounding, connecting. • Illustrated meditations to reconnect to ourselves and to others.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Everything is there, right there
Mindfulness Meditation for Children and Adolescents

Temple Grandin
Calling All Minds How To Think and Create Like an Inventor
From world-renowned autism spokesperson, scientist, and inventor Temple Grandin -- a book of personal stories, inventions, and facts that will blow young inventors' minds and make them soar.

France Schott-Billmann
Therapy through Rhythmic Dance Healing through dance
Dance: an inner movement that can liberate any person who allows him or herself to be carried away by music.

Blaise Pierrehumbert
Attachment in 26 Questions foreword to Boris Cyrulnik
A book for the general reader to learn everything about attachment and understand its repercussions in our daily lives or in those of our children.

Arielle Adda
Gifted Adults and the Quest for Love Making Good Romantic Choices
The theme of love is not often addressed in writings on gifted people, yet it is a domain in which it is particularly useful to have clear self-awareness in order to make good romantic choices.

Boris Cyrulnik, Boualem Sansal
Resilience in the Mediterranean
The idea for this book was born out of a routine investigation into the revolution undertaken in February 2019 by young Algerians attempting to oust a corrupt government and replace it with true democracy.

Maurice Corcos
An Anorexia Primer
A dictionary to approach the many facets of anorexia. The psychoanalytical approach enables an understanding of the multiple facets of anorexia

Nicolas Favez
The Art of Being Co-Parents How can parents best handle co-parenting?
From parenting to co-parenting: the new challenge that parents today must face and for which they must be prepared.

Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.

Géraldyne Prévot-Gigant
The Power of an Encounter An encounter can change your life
A book that enables the reader to question him or herself about encounters, to understand their value, to find meaning and responses for better self-knowledge.

Steve Masson
Understanding the Brain to Better Learn and Teach Neuroeducation
Richly illustrated, including many examples of applied pedagogy; finally, a book in neuro-education that combines scientific rigor and concrete, practical applications. Learning and teaching: the 7 principles that work at school, at work, and at home.

Claudine Biland
Body Language A Tool for Communication and Influence
A synthesis of the principal results of scientific research on a subject that has generated many studies and has often produced superficial or misleading works.