Psychotherapy All books

Thierry Vincent
Why are more and more young girls and women becoming anorexic ? Today it is a real social problem. The trend of diets, and the multiplication of magazines about losing weight are no longer enough to explain this phenomenon. Thierry Vincent poses fundamental questions in this book in order to understand how anorexica works. Perhaps the search for new ways of treating anorexia should depart from an examination of these questions. Thierry Vincent, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is the medical director of the university health centre Georges Dumas, in La Tronche, near Grenoble, where high school and university students suffering from eating disorders are treated.

Laurent Chneiweiss, Éric Laurent
Anxiety (New Edition) Day by Day Health
Knots in your stomach and feelings of anxiety are common sensations. But what can be done when anxiety becomes overpowering, handicapping ? What are the symptoms ? When does it become a disease ? How can it be managed on a daily basis ? Who should be consulted ? A simple and practical book to help you to deal with this problem. Eric Albert and Laurent Chneiweiss are both psychiatrists, and specialists in the modern treatment of anxiety.

Michel Lemay
Autism Today
What do we know about autism today ? How can it be treated ? What is the cause ? In this book, the author offers a clear appraisal of the contributions and failures of various disciplines (psychoanalysis, neurobiology, genetics, chemical and drug treatment, and behavioural and cognitive therapies), and makes a case for a multidisciplary type of medicine. It offers both parents and professionals a great source of strength with which to fight against autism. Michel Lemay is a psychiatrist and professor of child and adolescent psychiatry. A world-renowned specialist in autism, he is the director of the clinic on autism and invasive development disorders at the Hôpital Sainte-Justine in Montreal.

Stephan Eliez
Being a Parent and Liking Yourself As You Did Before The Strength of Mentalization within the Couple
A clearly-written and practical work, the result of more than twenty years of clinical practice and research on parents, children, and, of course, couples.

Pierre Fédida
The Benefits of Depression An Appreciation of Psychotherapy
When we attempt to cure human suffering with a chemical pill, arent we denying the real issues that have given rise to depression? Must we resort to denying the psyche in order to come out of a depressive state? Isnt there another way? Pierre Fédida shows that the emergence of a depressive state can always be explained by the disappearance of the capacity to fight off depression : the goal of the psychotherapy of depressive states should be the recovery of this capacity in order to regain ones vital inner balance without the reliance on chemical solutions. Pierre Fédida is a psychoanalyst.

Déborah Ducasse, Véronique Brand-Arpon
BPD Sufferers: Overcoming the Daily Challenges A practical guide to home therapy
A guide based on the daily clinical practice of the University Hospital of Montpellier, one of the French centres of excellence in the management of borderline disorder. A practical self-care guide that allows you to follow a programme to overcome the difficulties that a borderline person encounters on a daily basis.

Christophe André
Come Meditate with Us Meditation with the Experts
Assembled for the first time in a single volume, twenty-one leading figures in the world of meditation, who share their meditation secrets, including their doubts and the difficulties they, themselves, have encountered.

Marie-Frédérique Bacqué, François Baillet
Coping With Cancer
This book will help readers understand cancer's dual physical and psychological impact.

Marie-Frédérique Bacqué
Coping with Death
Marie-Frédérique Bacqué, a psychologist, is a lecturer at the University of Lille and the vice president of the Society of Thanatology.

Bernard Roques
The Danger of Drugs
This book is the result of a study on drugs carried out by Bernard Roques at the request of the French Secretary of State for Health, Bernard Kouchner. The author has reviewed and summarised a large body of information from all over the world, so this is a thorough, detailed scientific examination of what is known today of the potential dangers, particularly for the brain, of toxic and psychotropic drugs including alcohol and tobacco which are often associated with the consumption of other drugs. Roques study will doubtless play a major role in public health discussions and decisions, particularly in the fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction. Bernard Roques is a member of the French Académie des Sciences.

Tobie Nathan, Nathalie Zajde
Democratic Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is gripped by an intense paradox. It is being attacked (apparently justifiably) on all sides....

Claude Olievenstein
Drugs, Thirty Years Onwards
Thirty years after the publication of Il n'y a pas de Drogués Heureux, Claude Olievenstein recounts his exceptional career and summarises his current views on a number of social issues that have been his prime concern for many years: drugs, teenagers and the problems of the underprivileged living in housing projects. This is a frank survey of society in state of crisis. Claude Olievenstein is the head doctor at the Centre Médical Marmottan, in Paris, and a world-renowned specialist in the treatment of substance addiction.

Stéphany Orain-Pélissolo
Embrace Your Pain, Eliminate Your Suffering Mindfulness Therapy
A method for everyone, regardless of the type of suffering: somatic illnesses, chronic pain, emotional disturbances… An eight-week program of audio exercises, focused on attention and emotions, which enables one to escape the vicious cycle of suffering in which one becomes trapped.

Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz
The End of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is becoming extinct. This book warns us of a process that threatens society.

Clémence Peix-Lavallée
Finding Your Inner Strength Overcoming Stress and Burnout
A work with a practical aim: tools for self-evaluation, explanations, and exercises to do at home, at work, and emergency practices when you’re at the end of your rope.