Guides to help yourself All books

Roger Zumbrunnen, Éric Malbos
Stop Panicking at the Wheel!
A new edition enhanced with an entire chapter devoted to therapy through virtual reality: the use of 3D environments is particularly well-adapted to the treatment of the fear of driving.

Christine Mirabel-Sarron
Rebuilding Oneself After a Life-Altering Incident
A very supportive voice, with enough optimism to encourage a beneficial change, and simple advice to instill confidence and to encourage practice.

Thomas Langlois
I Hear Voices – So What? Living With One’s Voices and Auditory Hallucinations
Hearing voices is a phenomenon that is much more common that one might imagine. According to studies, 10 – 39% of the population hear voices.

François-Xavier Poudat, Marthylle Lagadec
Sex Out Of Control Overcoming Addiction
A unique practical guide that dares to tackle sex addiction without taboo. Information on sexual addiction, both in terms of research and treatment. Advice on how to deal with possible relapses.

Marion Aufseesser
Rebounding How to Turn a Career Change into a Real Break
An effective coaching method to help you make that career change or find a new job

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
The Gifted Child How to Enjoy Life and Adapt to Adulthood
Being gifted is a great asset. It means being endowed with immense abilities. But it also means being different, having a sense of vulnerability about which little is known...

Christine Mirabel-Sarron, Nayla Chidiac
Managing Your Time Well
Feeling overwhelmed and short of time is not inevitable. We can all “make” time and lead better lives.

Marc Willard
Preventing and Overcoming Job-related Depression
How to prevent and overcome workplace-related depression

Yves-Alexandre Thalmann
Feeling Great With Positive Psychology
Discover the path to wellbeing through positive psychology, a scientifically based method.

Mireille Gayraud-Andel , Marie-Pierre Poulat
Stuttering and How to Overcome It
This informative guide shows how to overcome stuttering and recover self-esteem.

Dominique Servant
How Not to Crack Up at Work
What can be done, in a concrete fashion, to overcome work-related problems and to obtain professional satisfaction and fulfilment?

Antoine Pelissolo, Stéphane Roy
Stop Blushing — Accepting that Others See You
Blushing deeply in public can cause embarrassment.

Yves Simon, Isabelle Simon-Baïssas
How to Help Your Anorexic Child
Is your teenage daughter anxious about her weight? Is she losing weight? Are you worried? Why is her behaviour so destructive? Why does her personality seem changed? Is she anorexic?

Sylvie Royant-Parola
How to Beat Insomnia By Yourself
Thirty-five percent of all French people suffer from insomnia. The lives of those who have difficulties sleeping often turn into nightmares of fatigue, anxiety, irritability and lack of concentration. How can the vicious circle of insomnia be broken? In this practical manual, Dr. Royant-Parola offers straightforward tips to help insomniacs. Sylvie Royant-Parola is a psychiatrist and neuro-biologist.