
History and Geopolitics All books

China Is/and the World - A Look at Sino-globalization
A Tormented Scientist
Dissuasion and Simulation - From the End of French Nuclear Testing to the Simulation Programme
A Short History of Brexit
Degeneration Theories - Psychiatry and History
China on Our Doorstep - An update on China – European Union relations
A Theory of Spatial Justice - The Geography of the Just and the Unjust
Life and Survival of the Fifth Republic - An Essay on Political Physiology
History of France
Resistance and Dissuasion - The French Nuclear Industry from Its Origins to the Present
French Diplomacy - Tools and Participants Since 1980
West and the rebirth of China
Days in May that Made History in Fran (The)
De Gaulle and the Republic
Geopolitics of Water/Sharing Water (The) - Water – a source of conflicts
True Novel of the Free French People (The) - Another way of reading and understanding history
Mao Years in France: Before, During, and After May ‘68 (The)
End of the American Dream? (The)
Intelligence Handbook
France in an Age of Major Upheaval - 1962-2017
History of the World is Made in Asia (The) - Another vision of the twentieth century
The Quran and the Bible - In questions and answers
They Taught Me the History of France
where is the world going? - Two views of the world and of globalization
France and the National Interest - Is France’s foreign policy still guided by our own interests?
Great Men and Their Mothers - Napoleon, Louis XIV, Francis I, Kennedy and others
Jews of the Arab World (The) - The Forbidden Question
Statue of Liberty (The) - The secret of the most famous monument in the world
Charles V - The Anguish of Power
Saturday 22 August 1914 - A Doctor at War
President and the Bomb (The)

Results : 33 to 64 from 330 books