Psychotherapy All books

Yves Simon, Isabelle Simon-Baïssas
How to Help Your Anorexic Child
Is your teenage daughter anxious about her weight? Is she losing weight? Are you worried? Why is her behaviour so destructive? Why does her personality seem changed? Is she anorexic?

Marie-Frédérique Bacqué, François Baillet
Coping With Cancer
This book will help readers understand cancer's dual physical and psychological impact.

Boris Cyrulnik
Telling and Dying of Shame
It is shame’s “intimate theatre” that Cyrulnik explores here, in his new book

Yasmine Liénard
In Support of a New Wisdom Third Generation Psychotherapies
Using meditation and mindfulness to adapt to our changing society

Christophe André, François Lelord
Self Esteem Liking Yourself in Order to Live Better With Others
Self-belief, self-love, self-confidence... These are all facets of self-esteem, a basic aspect of the human personality, which results from our self-image and how we judge ourselves...

Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz
The End of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is becoming extinct. This book warns us of a process that threatens society.

Tobie Nathan, Nathalie Zajde
Democratic Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is gripped by an intense paradox. It is being attacked (apparently justifiably) on all sides....

Olivia Hagimont
Nothing Is Going My Way or How Panic Attacks Descend on Me, Out of the Blue
A comic book, in the popular “girly” style, which gives an alternative slant to psychiatric disorders and CBT.

Martin Desseilles, Moïra Mikolajczak
Living better With Your Emotions
Learning to master your emotions will make you stronger to overcome life’s difficulties

Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
The Psychology of Cancer A New Approach
Finally, a unique, rigorous analysis of the links between cancer and the psyche